4. 5. 2015 20:48 − 1673× − 0

Rok Turk wins 2WD at Rally Opatija

1st May holidays were active for Rok Turk’s team as they attended 24th Rally Opatija in Croatia.

1st May holidays were active for Rok Turk’s team as they attended 24th Rally Opatija in Croatia. Friday’s short but rainy introductory of two special stages showed that Rok and co-driver Blanka Kacin were aiming for top rankings. They made fastest time overall in difficult conditions of the second special stage on Friday night.

Rok and Blanka started Saturday's part of the rally in a determined manner and with their Peugeot 208 R2 once again made fastest time overall in one of the special stages and were among top 3 in 2WD class in every special stage. After 110 km of racing and fighting with seconds they finished the rally in Opatija with an excellent and well-earned result – 3rd place in overall rankings and victory among 2WD cars.

"I enjoyed every bit, from the start till the finish. It was most exciting and the changing weather conditions made the whole competition even more interesting. The right choice of tires at the right moment, excellent performance of the car and great work of our team all lead to this result. We’re all very happy,” said Rok after the finish.

On-board video of Friday’s fastest stage time (SS 2):

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